Friday, 13 March 2009

Rock - I love it

The last time I focussed so much on thoughts of rock was when I was in the USA in 2007 and was amazed by the Canyon de Chelly, the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest. The petroglyphs (ancient rock art) inspired a set of prints on rock art.

From the sketchbook

Looking at my sketchbook

I've been looking in my sketchook at the notes and scribbles made at Wren's Nest. I also emptied my pocket and examined and drew the fossils while wondering what kind of print to make.

Looking at my sketchbook

I've been looking back at my sketchbook revieviewing the notes and scribbles. I also emptied my pocket and looked at the small fossils I brought back from Wren's Nest. When drawing them I've been wondering what kind of print I might make.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Imagetextimage Group at Wren's Nest, Dudley

Imagetextimage formed as a group of visual artists and poets in 2004 as a result of myself and poet Emma Purshouse's collaboration to produce a poem and etching on the theme of 'Tarra a bit". The group have been working together for 5 years now in a unique way, taking inspiration from each other's work to create new poems and visual art.

The line up of visual artists and poets has changed a little in the last 5 years and the current members are:

Poets: Emma Purshouse, Jane Seabourne and Dave Finchett.

Visual artists: Linda Nevill, John Hampton, Rosalind Glover, Rob McGuinness, Justin Nicholson, Colin Derricott.

Treasurer: Liz Finchett

Graham Worton, Borough Geologist at Wren's Nest

What good luck that Emma (Purshouse) worked with Graham on the Wrosne Project as this has led to the Imagetextimage group working together to create work for the Dudley Rock and Fossil
Festival (Sept 19 2009).

Rocks and fossils at Wren's Nest, Dudley


I had a really interesting visit to Wren's Nest, Dudley today (see link below) to look at rocks and fossils. Just my idea of a great morning.

It's the start of the Imagetextimage group's new project and we will be collaborating to create images and poetry on a geological theme for Dudley's Rock and Fossil Festival 19th September 2009.

I did some sketching and took some notes and photos. Ideas are just forming as to how I might tackle the project.